Having decided exactly what our product would be and what it had to include we asa group decided that we needed to start working on our presentation and pitch. This was so we could decide exactly what style we would present our product in and how we could make it look as good as it possibly could. We decided to create a powerpoint to display our project on and assign certain slides to different people within the group so we could complete the presentation as quickly and as efficiently as possible in order to give us time to practice giving the presentation. We decided on five key areas we all wanted to see in the presentation and then split these amongst our group so each person had one area to work on. After a lengthy discussion with a few members of the team and a lot of messaging between team members that could not make it we decided that the roles for the presentation would be as follows: Sam will talk about the issues that our product could solve and why this is important, I will focus on the design of our product such as a logo and colour scheme and also create a visual representation of our gamification, Rich would talk about the technology we were planning to use and the prices of hardware, Keiran will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of our product and why we had to rule out other technologies such as VR and finally Joe will talk about marketing our product and how we can sell it and make it look appealing to our clients.