Spring Pages
These next three pages consist of my design for the Spring Hull University landing page. My Design was heavily inspired from my previous work on my Spring mood board. The whole concept for these designs are to re-imagine a modern spring, in which instead of focusing on compulsive cleanliness and order. The mind can focus on creativity whilst still being productive.
Spring Main Page

Spring Function Pages 1 and 2

Winter Pages
These next designs are all based on the Winter month however I feel that these speak quite clearly for themselves in terms of functionality and design. This is what I hope for as these are the markings of good design.
Winter Main Page

Winter Function Pages 1 and 2

Autumn Pages
Finally, we move onto the Autumn pages, in my opinion this season is the most contrasting from the others as hopefully my design will reflect. The function I have chosen for this design is clever play on words that I felt was suitably compatible with the feeling I wanted to portray.
Autumn Main Page

Autumn Function Page